Effect of Platelet Activating Factor ( PAF) on Rat Ovarian Granulosa Cell Secretion of E_2 血小板活化因子对大鼠卵巢颗粒细胞E2分泌的影响及机制
Change of prostaglandin E_2 and effect of platelet activating factor antagonist on prostaglandin E_2 in endotoxin-induced acute gastric mucosal injury in young rats PGE2在内毒素诱导的幼鼠急性胃黏膜损伤中的变化及PAF受体拮抗剂对其影响
Using [~ 3H] platelet activating factor ( PAF) binding to human platelet membrane assay,( 1),( 2) and ( 7) showed PAF receptor antagonistic activities. 应用[~3H]血小板活化因子(PAF)结合人血小板膜的分析方法测定,证明化合物(1),(2)和(7)有PAF受体拮抗活性。
Effect of tetramethylpyrazine on the platelet activating factor and thromboxane B_2 of cortex renis in the experimental glomerulonephritis 川芎嗪对实验性肾炎肾皮质内血小板活化因子、血栓素B2的影响
Study on Plasma Platelet Activating Factor 、 Thromboxane B_2 and 6-ketone Prostaglandin F_ ( 1 α) Levels in Asthmatic Children 哮喘患儿血浆血小板活化因子、血栓素B2和6-酮-前列环素F(1α)水平变化的研究
Relationship between thromboxane B_2, 6-keto-prostaglandin F_1 ( alpha) and platelet factor in diabetes and syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine 糖尿病患者血浆血栓素B2、6-酮-前列腺素F(1α)及血小板因子水平与辨证分型关系探讨
Effect of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor on Intracellular Free Ca~ ( 2+) Concentration in Hepatocytes 血小板衍生生长因子对肝细胞游离钙浓度影响
Objective: To evaluate the effects of platelet activating factor ( PAF) on the biosynthesis of thromboxane A 2 ( TXA 2) and prostaglandin I 2 ( PGI 2) in human chorionic villi and umbilical arteries. 目的:探讨血小板激活因子(PAF)对人胎盘绒毛及脐动脉血栓素A2(TXA2)及前列腺素I2(PGI2)生物合成的影响。
Effect of platelet activating factor on txa_2, pgi_2 and ca  ̄( 2+)-atpase activity in the intra-pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells PAF对肺内小动脉平滑肌细胞TXA2,PGI2乃Ca~(2+)-ATPase的影响